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Building Permits, Zoning and Planning

Before starting any building, renovation, or new construction project within the Municipality of Thorne, it is essential that the project complies with the municipality’s zoning by-laws. A building permit is required for all construction and renovation work, both inside and outside your property. Please submit your building permit application at least 30 days prior to the planned start date of your project.

No construction—this includes any type of work, such as tree or shrub cutting, or the placement of sand on the beach—may occur within 50 feet of the high-water mark of any lake or watercourse. This 50-foot strip must remain in its natural state. Failure to comply with this regulation will result in penalties. This applies to all residents of Thorne.


For further clarification or additional information on these by-laws, please feel free to contact us via email, phone, fax, or in person during business hours.

By-law Enforcement Officer

Telephone: 647-3206              
Fax: 647-2086

By-Law Documents 



By-law FAQ

Civic Number 

Did you know…

The cost to order a civic number for your lot is $37.50. Ratepayers who are building new cottage or residence must order a civic number. It is to the ratepayer discretion to order a civic number for an empty lot. How do I add a new question?


What’s next…

To order your civic number, please contact the Municipal Office at 819-647-3206 or e-mail: The civic number will be assigned and install by our road foreman.


Animal Control Officer

Did you know…

The animal control officer is available Monday to Friday, from 8am to 5pm at 819-779-8333. After 5pm and on weekends, citizens are to call the SQ. For more information refer to by-law # 150-2009 on animal control on the territory of the MRC Pontiac.


What's Next...

A person who violates any provision of the current By-Law commits an offence which is punishable by a minimal $ 200 fine and a maximum $ 1,000 fine. Purchase your cat or dog license in person at the Municipal Office during business hours. Information provided by the By-Law Enforcement Officer.


Septic Systems

Did you know…

Ratepayers are obligated to install a septic system that conforms to the Regulation respecting waste water disposal system for isolated dwellings, read by-law #05-2011. The Municipal Office will tolerate cesspool in good condition. If your properties do not conform to the environmental law, please contact the Municipal Office.


What’s next…

Ratepayer must provide a copy of the Engineer’s plan and obtain a permit at the Municipal Office. The permit and invoice can be mailed to you, the cost is $ 80. E-mail us at to request a permit.


Fire Department Volunteers

Did you know…

Thorne Fire Department is recruiting Volunteer Firefighters


What’s next…

If you are interested in becoming a Volunteer Fireman or would like to obtain more information, please contact the Fire Department Chief, Daniel Ladouceur 819-775-2010.


Plaque at the Municipal Office

Did you know …

You will find a plaque on the wall at the Municipal Office. This plaque commemorates Bob Holmes and Elmer Krose, and recognizes all the volunteers of the Municipality of Thorne Fire Department since 1971.


What’s next…

If the name of a know volunteer doesn’t appear on the list or is misspelled, please advise the Municipal Office immediately by phone at 819-647-3206 or by e-mail


Building Permits/ permis de construction

Did you know….

Ratepayers must request a building permit 30 days prior to the start date of their project.


  • Construction of a main building $100

  • Installation of septic system $80

  • Extension, addition, relocation of main building $50

  • Subdivision of lot $50

  • Renovation to a main building $30

  • Installation of secondary building, roof, dock, deck, gazebo, pool, well-drilling, demolition $25

  • Renewal of permits is 50% of the initial cost


What’s next….

Contact the Municipal Office to obtain your permit in person or e-mail us at Your invoice and permit can be mailed to you.


Information provided by the By-Law Enforcement Officer



775 Route 366

Ladysmith (Thorne),

Quebec J0X 2A0


B - 819-647-3206
F - 819-647-2086


Regular Operating Hours:

Monday to Friday

9 am - 12 pm and 1 pm - 4 pm

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